Thursday, May 21, 2020
Qu extranjeros no pueden ajustar su estatus
El ajuste de estatus significa que un extranjero que se encuentra ya en Estados Unidos puede adquirir la tarjeta de residencia -tambià ©n conocida como green card- sin necesidad de salir del paà s. En este artà culo se explica quà © personas extranjeras no pueden ajustar su estatus y, finalmente, cuà ¡les son las consecuencias de ello (que pueden ser muy malas). Pero no a todos los extranjeros se les permite beneficiarse del ajuste de estatus Quià ©nes no pueden beneficiarse del ajuste de estatus En primer lugar, los extranjeros que ingresaron en estados unidos con una visa de tripulacià ³n o trabajador de cruceros C1/D. En segundo lugar, los migrantes que entraron al paà s sin pasar por el control de Inmigracià ³n y, por lo tanto, sin haber sido admitidos o parole. Lo fundamental de este punto es entender que las personas que llegan a Estados Unidos despuà ©s de cruzar ilegalmente la frontera no podrà ¡n en el futuro obtener una tarjeta de residencia mediante un ajuste de estatus. Ni siquiera en los casos en los que se casen con ciudadanos americanos o tengan hijos mayores de 21 aà ±os en este paà s. En tercer lugar, los extranjeros que han trabajado en Estados Unidos sin estar autorizados por no tener permiso de trabajo o visa que les permita laborar. Si el USCIS tiene conocimiento de que se ha trabajado, denegarà ¡ la peticià ³n de ajuste de estatus. En cuarto lugar, las personas que ingresaron a Estados Unidos con una visa no inmigrante y no la han mantenido. Por ejemplo, un turista que se quedà ³ mà ¡s tiempo del permitido (turistas con visa, mirar el I-94). Esta persona no podrà ¡ ajustar su estatus excepto cuando se trate del esposo/a, madre/padre, viudo/a o hijo/a soltero menor de 21 aà ±os de un ciudadano americano. En este punto resaltar que la persona con visa no inmigrante que la deja expirar y se casa con un residente permanente no podrà ¡ beneficiarse del ajuste de estatus. En estos casos la opcià ³n es esperar hasta que el cà ³nyuge residente se convierta en ciudadano por naturalizacià ³n o, en el caso de que la estadà a ilegal sea menor a los 180 dà as, salir del paà s e iniciar un proceso consular de peticià ³n de familiar. La espera podrà ¡ ser larga. En quinto lugar, los titulares de una visa de intercambio J-1 o J-2.Cuando se les acaba las visas, estas personas deben salir de Estados Unidos por un periodo de dos aà ±os, a menos que se les conceda un perdà ³n o excepcià ³n conocida como waiver. En sexto lugar, los extranjeros que llegaron a Estados Unidos sin visado por pertenecer a un paà s acogido al Programa de Excencià ³n de Visas. Estas personas pueden estar en el paà s un mà ¡ximo de 90 dà as y no pueden ni extender su estadà a ni solicitar una visa. Deben necesariamente salir. La à ºnica excepcià ³n es cuando se solicita un ajuste de estatus a su nombre por ser el esposo o la mujer o el viudo/a de un ciudadano americano o progenitor o hijo soltero menor de 21 aà ±os de un estadounidense. En sà ©ptimo lugar, las personas que llegaron al paà s con una visa K-1 por ser el prometido/a de un ciudadano. Y los hijos de aquellos que tienen una K-2, cuando no se celebra el matrimonio con el estadounidense que solicità ³ el visado en los 90 dà as siguientes su ingreso en Estados Unidos. Quedarse sin casarse es una violacià ³n migratoria. Y en octavo lugar, los extranjeros con visas A, E o G o que tengan profesiones que les permitirà an tenerlas. Si bien se admiten excepciones por lo que las personas en esta categorà a deberà an consultar con un abogado o un representante acreditado. Por quà © es tan importante poder ajustar el estatus El ajuste de estatus es importante por dos razones: Ahorra dinero, al poder obtener la residencia sin necesidad de salir de EEUU.Evita que entre en aplicacià ³n el castigo de los tres y diez aà ±os para las personas que han estado ilegalmente en Estados Unidos por mà ¡s de 180 dà as. Y aquà està ¡ su gran importancia. Por ejemplo, si un inmigrante cruza ilegalmente la frontera y despuà ©s de unos aà ±os se casa de buena fe con un ciudadano y tiene hijos nacidos en este paà s se encuentra con un gran problema. En teorà a puede obtener los papeles porque su esposo/a ciudadano le puede pedir. Y, de hecho, la parte inicial de los trà ¡mites se va a aprobar. El problema aparece cuando le dicen que no puede ajustar su estatus y que tiene que salir de Estados Unidos y una vez fuera seguir la tramitacià ³n en un consulado americano.Y ahà le aplican el castigo de los tres y diez aà ±os. Y no siempre va a ser posible pedir un perdà ³n. Y aà ºn cuando fuera posible, no siempre se consigue. Y aà ºn consiguià ©ndolo, se demora y hace que las familias està ©n separadas por mucho tiempo. Por ello, si se està ¡ en una situacià ³n en la que no se puede ajustar el estatus o se tiene dudas, antes de meter los papeles en Inmigracià ³n es muy recomendable consultar con un abogado y tener muy claro cuà ¡les son las opciones. Perdà ³n En algunos casos es posible pedir un perdà ³n para asà poder obtener la green card. Ademà ¡s, en los casos muy especà ficos de familiares inmediatos de ciudadanos que està ¡n en USA y sà ³lo tienen el problema de que està ¡n aquà ilegalmente, verificar si se puede calificar para el perdà ³n provisional I-601A. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Trafficking Of Human Trafficking - 930 Words
Sheââ¬â¢s the girl whoââ¬â¢s running away from her abusive past, the one who is impoverished and looking for a way to make ends meet, or perhaps, sheââ¬â¢s the girl who naively fell in love with the wrong man. Regardless of the reasons, there are nearly 30 million victims of human trafficking globally. There are more slaves now than ever before. Trafficking of persons is not a subject that should be ignored or taken lightly. In order to fully understand the enormity of this crisis, we will examine the root causes, facts, and the impact of human trafficking throughout the world. There are several factors to why human trafficking exists: poverty, governmental instability, natural disasters, addiction, and organized crime are just a few. Although there certainly are men victimized into trafficking (particularly forced labor), women and children are the most vulnerable to trafficking. Generally, those who become prey to traffickers are poor, weak, ill-educated, or isolated woman (3). Some recruiters befriend teens and adults with the intent of exploiting them. Deceived with the promise of a better life, young women travel with them into unknown territories. Once they reach their destination, traffickers burn their passports and immediately force them into sexual labor. Raped and beaten, girls are chained to beds and are repeatedly forced to serve up to forty men a day. In several low income communities, fathers and mothers will sell their children due to an overwhelming amount ofShow MoreRelatedThe Trafficking Of Human Trafficking1061 Words à |à 5 Pa gesare approximately twenty to thirty million slaves in the world today. Unfortunately due to trafficking being a fast growing crime it is very difficult to identify and locate these organizations and victims. Although there are many groups created to support victims, not enough awareness is being made and not enough action is being applied to stop human trafficking. Sex trafficking is a form of human trafficking that has been a worldwide issue since ancient times, but regularly forgotten, due to it beingRead MoreThe Trafficking Of Human Trafficking886 Words à |à 4 Pages(Attention catcher)What if somebody came into your life and guaranteed a better lifestyle, but instead you were enslaved into human trafficking? Human trafficking is when a person is abducted from their current situation and mostly likely used for sex slavery. Furthermore, did you know human trafficking increased over the years? (Listener relevance) Although you may not be as aware in your comfortable surroundings, you should always be aware of suspicious vehicles and people. Even though we enjoyRead MoreThe Trafficking Of Human Trafficking3494 Words à |à 14 Pagesended, never to return, they go back and sneak into our communities in severe forms by human trafficking crimes. When humanity eliminated the phenomenon of human slavery, it returned in different pictures and forms, combining them enslaving people, through the recruitment, transportation, transfer of people by force and threat, and using and exploiting them in different ways. Among the victims of human trafficking crimes, there are those who are subjected to sexual exploitation, labor exploitationRead MoreThe Trafficking Of Human Trafficking1287 Words à |à 6 PagesHuman Trafficking Human trafficking is the modernized version of slavery that involves force, fraud, and/or a type of labor in a sexual act. The United States government defines it to be ââ¬Å"In which a sex act is forced in which the person induced has not yet been attained eighteen years of ageâ⬠(National Institute of Justice). Human trafficking is a threat to all nations and promotes breakdown of families and can support organized crime. Trafficking can occur everywhere. Human trafficking and humanRead MoreHuman Trafficking And The Trafficking901 Words à |à 4 PagesHuman Smuggling and trafficking continues to be a worldwide plague that has been, thus far been largely ignored by the international community. The paramount reason human trafficking and smuggling has festered and grown roots and spread globally. It started as a grassroots effort on the local level where women and girls (it affects boys as well) would be used and sold for sex. Eventually, greed and corruption tagged along for the ride and at that point the crimes became an organized enterprise. AtRead MoreThe Trafficking Of Human Trafficking Essay1752 Words à |à 8 PagesIn this essay, the history of human trafficking will be examined, followed by who is affected by trafficking. Next the scope and types of exploitation will be discussed. Human trafficking is an issue that affects countries all over the world. Governments have made an effort to curb trafficking, however these efforts have been very narrowly focused. American ignorance has led to poor handling of the issues by policy makers. Finally the essay will discuss a proposed solution and set some goals forRead MoreSex Trafficking And Human Trafficking Essay1243 Words à |à 5 Pages Human trafficking brings in billions of dollars into the U.S and all around the world. ââ¬Å"The prime motive for such outrageous abuse is simple: money. In this $12 billion global business just one woman trafficked into the industrialized world can net her captors an average $67,000 a yearâ⬠(Baird 2007). The laws around human trafficking are not strict and vary depending on what country it is happening in. Human trafficking is not something that is strictly foreign, itRead MoreThe Trafficking And Forms Of Human Trafficking Essay1317 Words à |à 6 Pages2.1.2 The concept of Human Trafficking and forms of Human Trafficking Human trafficking is a complex phenomenon hence difficult to conceptualize (Maclnnis, 2012). Scholars, nations and international organizations have individually or collectively tried to define human trafficking and, not surprisingly, they disagree with one another. United States (US) for instance does not consider organ trade as human trafficking whereas the United Nations (UN) and Canada do (United States Department of StateRead MoreHuman Trafficking And Sex Trafficking1264 Words à |à 6 PagesA challenge that I took interest in is the horrifying problem that women and young girls face as victims of human trafficking and sex slavery. Women and young girls make up 98% of victims of trafficking for exploitation. Human trafficking and sex slavery is a form of modern slavery, in which traffickers profit from the control and exploitation of others. It is a multi-billion industry. Traffickers use control of others for the purpose of engaging in sexual activities and or forcing others to provideRead MoreHuman Trafficking And Human Sex Trafficking1850 Words à |à 8 Pagesof human sex trafficking come to one s mind. The United States of America is not immune to this type of horrific behavior. America is the land of the free and yet something as awful as human sex trafficking occurs in our very own backyard each and everyday. According to the Department of Homeland Security the definition of human trafficking is ââ¬Å"modern day slavery that involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex actâ⬠(ââ¬Å"What Is Human Trafficking?â⬠)
Under the Influence the role of alcohol in culture Free Essays
Introduction Drinking alcoholic beverages existed as early as the Stone Age era, and there it remarkably spread across the globe from the ancient pyramids of Egypt to the popular Silk Road of China. This cultural tradition begun only for the sole purpose of religious rituals based upon sociological and geographical conditions of the empire; but now, it has spread to where ignorant humans would never imagine possible. Consuming alcoholic beverages has made a vast transition and now it is merely seen as a jubilant event for excitement. We will write a custom essay sample on Under the Influence: the role of alcohol in culture or any similar topic only for you Order Now Drinking has commenced its aim on the immature youth with the assistance of modern-day media and influential pop culture. This admired custom developed into the latest social trend that can only disperse to more innocent peers. Juvenile drinking should not be kept active and is in an immense need of an immediate stop. The dangers of drinking are taken carelessly when they should be taken into cautious consideration. Juvenile drinkers do not believe the seriousness of this crisis. Drinking severely clouds human judgment and therefore humans have the natural outcome to perform poor decisions that can become regrettable, since mature drinking is beginning to target the adolescent youth, alcoholic advertisement must be banned and juvenile drinking laws should become strictly enforced with consequential punishment. The advertisement of alcohol is growing seemingly toward the audience of innocent minors. This universal advertising can only lead to a heavy youth exposure. Advertisements of merchandise is made for the purposes of increasing sales and revenue and to strike the audience to become interested in the product shown. The extent of alcohol marketing comes from all directions to target the youth, such as on common television, everyday magazines, ordinary in-store beer displays, local billboards , standard beer promotional items or branded merchandise, etc. If these advertisements are coming from all directions then the youth is bound to eventually give in and become a drinker. One of the biggest brand of beer is Bud Light and, with their sport beer commercials, they capture the audience of minors based upon their slogan ââ¬Å"A sure sign of a good timeâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Here we goâ⬠Alcoholic beverages are displayed on television as an important aspect for an enjoyable time and these advertisements only accelerates the youth to start drinking. Young people are more likely to start drinking than smoking cigarettes or using illegal drugs, therefore the earlier teenagers begin to drink, the chances of becoming more dependent on alcohol later in life are at a greater risk (Jernigan 3). Drinking comes with a mature sense of responsibility and an understanding of the effects of consuming alcohol. Heavy advertisement only increases the chances of a person drinking before the age of twenty one, thus depicting advertisement as the initial spark that encourages the adolescent youth to drink without understanding the important consequences. A 2001 to 2007 poll was taken, by the Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth, stating youth ages twelve to twenty were twenty two times more likely to see the product shown in the advertisement than the industry-funded ââ¬Å"Drink Responsiblyâ⬠message (Jernigan 5). The ââ¬Å"Drinking Responsiblyâ⬠message is spotted at the end of the commercial just seconds before ending; it fails to deliver its purpose to prevent audiences from drinking alcoholic beverages because the audience sees the exaggerated product and ignores this pointless, pathetic message. If the banishment of alcohol advertisement cannot be met then the only choice is to regulate beer and liquor advertisement for the benefit of alcohol education. Alcohol is the leading drug problem among the youth therefore the ads should be regulated in a public manner because the people have a long lasting tradition of regulating drug ads to protect and secure the public interest (Leo 2). The public can regulate the advertisement of beer commercials to display at certain scheduled times, such as 1:00 AM- 6:00 AM or anti-alcohol organizations can develop more commercials about the consequences of alcohol like drinking and driving and health problems. This could be beneficial to the community because, if more realistic visuals was displayed on national television, it could maybe strike the youth how drinking is a responsible privilege that should not be taken casually (Lowe 1). Alcohol advertisement gives a negative outcome toward the youth by increasing their chances to become more d ependent on alcoholic beverages, therefore alcohol advertisement should be banned, but if not then it should be at least regulated with better commercials that will intimidate the youth to wait for the right age and become aware of the outcomes of drinking. The minimum age ,21, drinking law is enforced inadequately and should be reenforced strictly. Only two get arrested out of every thousand occasions where a minor has violated illegal drinking under the age of 21 and then in every 100,000 juvenile drinking occasions 5 result in an administrative action against an alcohol outlet (Wagenaar). With the arrest at hand the punishment for underage drinking should be increased by the violators and with this an effective administrative system to rule the penalties. As the community, the public interest should reduce the alcoholic accessibility how the youth is able to obtain alcoholic beverages so therefore there can be a less probability of alcohol-related occasions. By an increase in the juvenile drinking laws prohibiting the sales or provisions of selling alcoholic beverages to the youth and consumption and prohobition of the minor, resource limits the quantity a business could sell and other barriers to make an increase in the arrest rates for minors in the possession of alcohol (Wagenaar). The community can stop the valuable lives being thrown away for a can of alcohol and stop the ignorance of the youth by just preventing the alcohol accessibility being sold over the counter where it is taken advantage of by the minors. The most important component of juvenile drinking is to contain and reduce the audience of minors. The public can follow through with the demands of the strict law enforcement and effectively support anti-juvenile drinking by striking the youth at a young age, therefore it will give them the opportunity to learn how to drink carefully and responsibly. This obtainable goal can be met with police outreach organizations, a better drinking awareness program, and with the aid of parent and community guidance the young minors can learn how to drink responsibly with knowing the consequences of their actions as well as the dangers of illegal abuse (DiMatteo). After the community can invite the well-informed youth to training sessions that offer information about the health issues related to alcohol and penalties of alcohol. The guidance counselors need to be motivational to, ââ¬Å"Teach, and Not Preach,â⬠this causes the young adults to be treated fairly and equally like adults, thus s howing how much the youth want to do the right thing and shown in the right direction (DiMatteo). This will cause a chain reaction for all of the youth to become unified and respond to each lesson learned according to their own special gifts. The local police can play a significant role by assigning one local officer to juvenile drinking, therefore a reduction in minor drinking will occur. Law enforcement agencies often receive a lack of support from their local communities and from their own departments; for a successful effort to reduce the audience of influenced drinkers and enforcing the minimum drinking age, a political will of the public will determine to take a meaningful stand against juvenile drinking. Reference David Jernigan. ââ¬Å"Children Are Overexposed to Alcohol Advertising.â⬠Opposing Viewpoints: Advertising. Ed. Roman Espejo. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2010. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Cypress Falls High School. 24 Mar. 2011 . Leiber, Laurie. ââ¬Å"Alcoholic Beverage Advertising Should Be Restricted.â⬠Contemporary Issues Companion: Teen Alcoholism. Ed. Laura K. Egendorf. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2001. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Cypress Falls High School. 24 Mar. 2011 . Leo, John. ââ¬Å"Television Liquor Ads May Promote Underage Drinking.â⬠Opposing Viewpoints: Alcohol. Ed. Scott Barbour. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1998. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Cypress Falls High School. 24 Mar. 2011 . Lowe, Paul. ââ¬Å"Perhaps Madam Would Prefer Something Less Robust.â⬠Alcohol Cartoons and Comics. 27 March 2011 . National Clearinghouse For Alcohol And Drug Information. ââ¬Å"Teenage Drinking Can Lead to Automobile Accidents.â⬠Contemporary Issues Companion: Teen Alcoholism. Ed. Laura K. Egendorf. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2001. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Cypress Falls High School. 24 Mar. 2011 . Ralph DiMatteo. ââ¬Å"Education And Police And Community Support Are Necessary.â⬠At Issue: Should the Legal Drinking Age Be Lowered?. Ed. Stefan Kiesbye.Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2008. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Cypress Falls High School. 27 Mar. 2011 . Services, U.S. Department Of Health And Human. ââ¬Å"Underage Drinking Is a Serious Problem.â⬠Opposing Viewpoints: Alcohol. Ed. Andrea C. Nakaya. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2008. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Cypress Falls High School. 24 Mar. 2011 . Wagenaar, Alexander C, and Mark Wolfson. ââ¬Å"Minimum Drinking-Age Laws Should Be Strongly Enforced.â⬠Opposing Viewpoints: Alcohol. Ed. Scott Barbour. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1998. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Cypress Falls High School. 24 Mar. 2011 . How to cite Under the Influence: the role of alcohol in culture, Essay examples
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